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Layby Terms and conditions

To Purchase via layby option please email us with the items details to:


Minimum Order amount is $399.00


Minimum Deposit payment of 10-20% (item dependant) required within 3 days of ordering.


The remaining amount after deposit must be paid equally over the following 4-12 weeks (or at the discretion of Phantom Gunsmiths Staff)


If you fail to pay the amount (minus deposit paid) within the agreed completion date you will forfeit your deposit, any payments you have made after the deposit amount will be refunded to the purchaser.

Once layby terms have been agreed upon an invoice will be sent out with the required amount to be paid each week until the full purchase price has been paid. 


Once the item has been paid in full the item will either be collected by the purchaser or sent to the purchaser if a shipping option has been paid.

Any questions about these terms please emails us at

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